Online Therapy in New York
From this day forward
Live Your Life with a sense of calm and rootedness.
I can help you get there.
Feeling at the mercy of others. Beholden. Rarely having
down time for yourself.
“I feel resentful. Then I get pangs of guilt… I’m on edge a good part of the time.”
(Negative Mood, Constant Worry, Conflict)
A slave to your to-do list. Always one, two… three steps behind.
“I’m so rundown. I’m constantly feeling a little… ok… a lot… under the weather.”
(Illness, Chronic Pain)
Frequently playing catch up. And still not accomplishing what you had every intention of doing.
“I feel like a hamster spinning in its wheel. Working hard but never getting anywhere new.
I’m exhausted.”
(Disappointment, Disconnected, Unfulfilled)
hamster spinning in its wheel
Did you know that According to the ASPCA, hamsters in their natural habitat might run up to 5 miles every night searching for sustenance?

Once upon a time you walked this earth without a lump in your throat, without holding back your tears.
There was a time when you breathed deeply… Serenely… without even trying. You felt
connected and alive.
Imagine inhaling… effortlessly. Every breath a confirmation of an extraordinary life. Of a connection to the universe around you…of which you are a significant cog.
I can help you feel better than you do today.
Chances are high that if you don’t attempt something different with your life, you’re going to remain the hamster perpetually running in its wheel. Not gaining new territory…
Searching for something, still, to keep your body and soul together.
…until you try something different.
Working with me counts as your something different.
Call me at (914) 400-3617 for a free phone consultation.
Hi. I’m Larissa.
I’m so glad you found your way to me!
I am excited to help you find your sustenance… and your path back to you…
From the time I was a kid, I knew I wanted to help people.
I found myself caring deeply about the people around me. And feeling badly when I sensed their pain. I began to look for ways to help them, for what to say or do, to ease their aches.
Over the next few years, I started to hear from grown-ups that I was a “really good listener.” I seemed to understand what was said… and what was left unsaid… in a way older than my years.
I felt happy in the thought that I was able to provide comfort and support to those around me.
I was on my way to finding my purpose.
With purpose, comes happiness.
I am passionate about guiding you on your purposeful path. Helping you reach your goals.
I am invested in your success. Because helping you find your happiness makes me happy.
Together, we’ll create an easy-to-follow plan to get you well on your way. Crafted just for you. Using the most effective, well-researched strategies to get you positive results… and fast.
Your path to maximum emotional and physical well-being awaits.